Re: funny stuff
In Reply to: Re: funny stuff posted by Clayphoto on November 11, 2003 at 08:29:37:
Posted by: Wings11 on November 27, 2003 at 12:48:48
: Given the choice between being shot at with a rental gun with a 9oz CO2 in 40 degree weather vs a 20oz CO2 anti-siphone tank with an expansion chamber........ : I'd rather get shot at the guy with pointless equipment. : : clayton ex chambers only do good in luke warm weather other than that they are pointless The expansion chamber gives the CO2 more space to expand in and the decreased pressure makes it alot more likely to do so before entering your gun so you dont get liquid in there, regardless of temperature. If you want to make the expansion chamber more usefull, especially in cold play use it as a front grip. That way the heat from your hand also helps with the expansion. Just be careful because it can get real cold real fast. |
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