Re: response trigger
In Reply to: Re: response trigger posted by moosecustome on October 08, 2003 at 08:46:47:
Posted by: Clayphoto on October 08, 2003 at 10:15:52
I'll second that opinion. Only a few other thing I would add is if you're using a bottom line connection, I've found anti-siphone tubes to be a big help. Also using larger 16 and 20oz tanks help out. Also, I would consider upgrades outside of the gun that could help you more than a response. For example, I've seen people seen woods players get a better performance boost from getting a pair of comfortable cleats with good arch support than their new barrel. If your in hot areas, a good ice cooler and "Body Armour" shirts that whisk sweat off can be just as much help to a speedball player as the latest hopper system. Just things to consider! |
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