Re: My m98c doesn't shoot as far and balls don't break
In Reply to: Re: My m98c doesn't shoot as far and balls don't break posted by moosecustome on August 27, 2003 at 22:32:25:
Posted by: Clayphoto on August 28, 2003 at 08:36:03
I would say the best thing to do is just take it to a Pro-Shop and have them fix it. Will cost you a bit, but they can also make sure it gets fixed right without any guess work. And doing that may be cheaper than re-doing a botched repair job. If you want to know exactly what went wrong and why, just ask to watch them do the repair. Clayton : you need a touch of locktite (if i remember correctly it will be a red 253 locktite, for sure red locktite) on the screws then don't gas the marker imediately or you will spring a leak wait a day at least, the rebuild kit is all new springs seals pins, plus a few extra small parts incase you loose one it does not come with a new sear or hammer or powertube :
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