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WARPIG Tech Talk - Model 98 / 98 Custom

Re: i won't tattle

In Reply to: i won't tattle posted by c98sniper on July 16, 2003 at 14:53:42:

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Posted by:
on July 16, 2003 at 23:29:28

Brass Eagle works well in my son's autococker good fit extremely accurate and consistent. We both hate the big ball stuff personally very disapointed in it. Marbalizer is our favorite but prices make it hard to swallow(85 a case around here where others are in the 40-65 range). I think a lot about paint has to do with what type gun and barrell you use. I can not use the Brass Eagle stuff in my tippy as I break a lot of paint, but in my son's autococker it is great.
: this tricycle garbage has gone too far cr@p is a real word and we're gonna use it!!

: i didn't buy the paint by choice anyway, my parents bought it for me when i wasn't there contrary to what my message says... i usually buy diablo or pmi

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