Re: Why it stopped
In Reply to: Re: Why it stopped posted by Jason on June 09, 2003 at 14:05:18:
Posted by: Jason "Zippy" Finnie on June 09, 2003 at 14:07:36
: : : : When I was In my back yard shooting my gun,right after putting my RT on. My gun stoped shooting like it would still be cocked but not all the way was this because of low air or should I go to an airsmith to find the problem but if you can tell me what I should do. : : : : Thanks : : : Can you be more specific with what you mean by "still cocked but not all the way?" : : : See you on the field, : : Well the rear bolt is still pulled far enough back were it stays back but not pulled far enough to be shot so basicly the rear bult needs to be pulled back every 20-50 times the gun shoots.I dont know if this makes much sense to you but I am not to good at these kind of things;) : @@@ Make sure you have lubed the gun in all the places specified in the manual, including the bolt assembly. If you haven't done that yet it could be a factor. Check to make sure your o-rings aren't cracked or broken on the bolt, that would also hold up the bolt cycle. Also check the hammer o-rings and make sure they are intact and lubed.
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