Re: New Gun
In Reply to: Re: New Gun posted by Jack_Renter on May 27, 2003 at 00:12:39:
Posted by: PigTech on May 28, 2003 at 15:21:25 Forum Administrator
: would someone please inform me on what the heck is an airsmith, i havent ever heard such a term used before. For someone so new to paintball that they have never heard of an airsmith, your belittling attitude seems very out of place. Some definitions to help you: Airsmith - a technician who repairs, modifies or builds paintball guns. The term originates from the technicians who worked on airguns calling themselves airsmiths to differentiate from gunsmiths who work on firearms. First - The one coming, occurring, or ranking before or above all others. Only one item in a series is first, thus there won't be three things which are "first off" as in your message. See you on the field, |
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