Re: 98custom upgrades
In Reply to: 98custom upgrades posted by Jimbildo on January 12, 2003 at 14:44:52:
Posted by: teardrop on January 14, 2003 at 18:59:08
Umm Deffinatly dont get a flatline, they make the balls curve and marshmallow they suck. A scope to me is a wicked waste of money because i play speed ball. an x chamber would b pretty cool but not neccesary. U sound like u have a good amount of money because a scope and a flatline r expensive. So if i were u i would get a dye boomstick barrel and depending on the style of play u usually do either get a 12 or a 14, 14 is good for everyting, that is wut i have. Then if u wanted to spend the money, get a ricochet hopper, u dont need one but there really chill. And wen u can afford the best y not have it, this would set u bak around 170 depending on where u get it, and it sounds like u have plenty. Or u could get goggles, those r always fun, but there r tons of options. Just dont get a flatline or a scope, majior wastes of money. there r so many better options |
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