Posted by Timmy_Newbie on Novembe
r 05, 2002 at 16:55:55:
In Reply to: Re: How to spend my money? posted by
In addition to all that's been said.... Check out the Smart Parts All-American or Dye Boomstick. You're barrel should be first. The hopper should be next, I too shoot with a Halo-B (for my 2K2 Timmy) but for my 98c the VL-with X board will be fine (if you get the, get the impeller too for it). Finally, this should be the thing to get before you go LP or Electro or RT..... get NITRO. That way you don't need an X-chamber, but a reg would be better with the nitro.... But if you can, try everything out there and do make it YOUR gun.
17:07:39 03/26/03