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WARPIG Tech Talk - Model 98 / 98 Custom
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Posted by Christopher "Doom_Dog" Bills on July 13, 2002 at 08:39:48:

How well do you like your Phantom? I have recently thought about buying a Phantom and retiring my 98C Flatline, so do you think this is a good idea? I have weighed the pros and cons; yes I know a lot is personal preference. First off I’m not really the most experienced in the game yet I am not an n00b, I could use improvement. That being said, there seems to be a common consensus that playing pump will improve your skills, so should I buy the Phantom to improve my skills? Also the SC Phantom has no hopper, so is it worth giving up the semi-auto capabilities of the 98 for the no hopper qualities of the Phantom, i play the sniper role? Also, people have stated that the Phantom is a very accurate, while the 98c Flatline has distance but not that great of accuracy. So, should I trade in the distance of the Flatline for the supreme accuracy of the Phantom? It has also been said that the Phantom is much quieter than the 98c Flatline; the Phantom more of a whisper while the Flatline more of a cannon. Also ,with a pump you are severely out gunned, so should I put my self in this predicament by buying the more accurate, no hoppered, and more quiet Phantom? .Lastly, will I miss the semi-auto capabilities of the 98c ; will it make that much of a difference if I play only the sniper role? Last how accurate is a phantom in comparison to a 98 with Flatline? Any input or comments are welcome, except for those ones that are sniper bashing.

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