Posted by give_you_welts on June 21, 2002 at 20:09:07:
In Reply to: How is the Tippmann 98 Sniper? posted by
Go to www.pbreview.com and look up the model 98 sniper. i wasnt too impressed with the reviews of it. definitely get the m98 with the flatline, buy them sepearate. the 98 is great but you can get something much better for 400 beans. the ar-15 stock is great but if you wanna save money, buy a thin black metal bar at hardware store for like a dollar get one like an inch wide, quarter or 1/8th inch deep , whichever you can bend, take a foot of it, drill it and insert it right above the bottle adapter where you screw it in, have the long end stick out and bend it up and over like an L and curl the tip of it down.
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