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WARPIG Tech Talk - Model 98 / 98 Custom
Re: Flatline works too well?

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Posted by Strike_Angel on June 02, 2002 at 19:55:33:

In Reply to: Flatline works too well? posted by Darcane on February 18, 2002 at 21:21:19:


Here is the problem with your Flatline.
The ball is recieving way to much lift and that
is due to to much speed. Turn your speed down
to where you like it. Yes you loose a bit of
distance due to that but think of it this way.

Its more accurate at the newer shorter distance.
You still shoot farther then most other gun/barrel setups and you will still be able to keep it in turny play. Its not very good for speedball of corse but field play its very nice.

I have 2 guns my 98C Flatline and a Dragon Patriot Stars and Stripes. The Dragon is for speedball and the 98C FL is for field play. Hmm So far I have put about 10,000 balls through my Flatline. I have to reseat the barrel on ocasion to get it to stop breaking balls but I dont really mind that. Its nice to have people ducking for cover when you knock out one of there team members then have them shoot back at you only to watch as you cetch there balls in your hand.

So were I you I would try to turn down the FPS. Start with the recommended 280 and work down from there in in aprox 4 FPS a time. Once you have found its not as flat as you like go up 2 FPS and check it there then fine tune it from that point. Now you should also keep in mind that your FPS will not always remain the same so this is basicly just a general idea becouse going down 4 FPS exactly isent quite realistic but its just an idea.

Well there ya go.

Mike P

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