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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: Bushmaster or Impulse

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Posted by Superannuated on August 30, 2001 at 15:11:01:

In Reply to: Bushmaster or Impulse posted by Tony Zicari on August 29, 2001 at 16:40:55:

: which one is more accurate? Which one is faster. Which one is the over all the best and whats the pro and con of each one. Thanks

::: Their accuracy should be the same. It depends on your paint/barrel fit more than anything else.

Both are open bolt electros so they are similar in function and handling. Both are capable of shooting faster than most anyone's finger can pull the trigger, so don't be fooled into letting this be a factor in your decision.

The Bushy is a pretty proven design, and has had a number of improvements made since its initial release.

The Impulse is made by a well-established company in the industry. I am not really familiar with the Impulse beyond having dry-fired one. It seemed a little bigger than the Bushy, and felt about the same when fired. I don't know how adjustable the trigger and rates/modes of fire compare to those of the B2K, but I have seen a few guys use them in tournaments, and they seem to perform fine.

I'd try to shoot both and decide based on which one feels and shoots better for you.



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