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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Why I wouldn't buy from

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Posted by WARPIG Tech on July 13, 2001 at 09:06:53:

In Reply to: UPGRADE MY GUN!!! posted by BigAbe on July 13, 2001 at 00:23:11:

: Hey EVERYBODY! I need to upgrade my bushmaster and I have enough money to buy anything!!! All I need is for the name of the product and what it can do for my gun. That would help me a great deal! I am getting all my stuff from All their prices are cheaper than anyone and that goes for any product BRAND NEW!, so that's why I am getting everything from there. Thanks a bunch and can't wait to do business with THANKS EVERYONE!

When buying a paintgun, or paintball equipment, that's a major investment for many players. There are a lot of good, stand up companies out there. But there are also those which don't deliver what they promise to their customers, or worse. There are also those who resort to deceptive means of advertising.

Now, of course just because a company resorts to deceptive advertising doesn't mean they won't give you a good price or provide good support after the sale, but a lot can be said for how a company/business/person presents themselves, and it really reflects on how much one can trust them.

That in mind, I probably would have a much different opinion of if I hadn't checked WARPIG's user registration files to find out that "BigAbe" is directly affiliated with the company. Why would I trust a company who's sales representatives pretend to be enthusiastic customers, rather than being straightforward, honest salesman?

See you on the field,
-Bill Mills

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