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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: Hmmm....

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Posted by Superannuated on July 12, 2001 at 01:04:20:

In Reply to: Too few shots from setup??? posted by Dwieland on July 11, 2001 at 22:25:23:

: Running a Defiant with a Vig LP reg and a PE adjustable tank (68ci x 3000) set to about 450PSI. Shots per tank maybe 600-700. Thinking problem may be the cheap tank... any other thoughts?

: Thanks,
: Dan

::: It doesn't seem logical that your air system is causing the inefficiency. Inconsistent velocities and/or shootdown maybe, but not excessive air consumption.

I would suggest that you check your LP reg pressure and your ram for proper function (if sticky it might cause you to have to set your LP reg too high to cycle efficiently). Also check for a leaky cup seal in the valve or a leaky sonenoid (air hissing out the barrel or from above the grip.

Are you running an aftermarket valve? If your internal operating pressure is very low you might want to consider lightening the ram spring to compensate.

Finally, if your paint is way too small for your barrel diameter, your air efficiency will really suffer.

Any other ideas out there, guys?



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