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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: Well...

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Posted by Superannuated on July 06, 2001 at 20:33:58:

In Reply to: defiant w/warpfeed posted by Billy York on July 06, 2001 at 02:14:32:

: I have a defiant with a warp feed. I put new batteries Energizer E's not cheap ones, adjust the pot until it run all the time and start working back from there. I have to mess with almost every time I play. I don't leave the battery hooked up. Has any one else had this problem? Does the gun just not kick as hard as an angel or other electro's and not set off the sensor? Help me here 'cuz I love the warp feed.

:::The Defiant/Bushy typically kicks more than an Angel because the Angel is heavier, and it's bolt/ram assembly have less reciprocating mass than those of the Defiant. Likewise the Intimidator is heavier, the Excalibur has nil recoil, the Impulse kicks much like a Defiant, and to me the E-Mag has a bit of rearward recoil, but little if any "muzzle flip" like the other open bolt guns.

I suspect your problem is with the Warp Feed, and not with the lack of kick in the gun.

Good luck,


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