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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: Defiant Question?

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Posted by Matt "The Village Idiot" Granet on June 13, 2001 at 19:45:25:

In Reply to: Defiant Question? posted by juggernotcap on June 07, 2001 at 13:54:52:

Maybe its just me, but I thought all defiants came with vertical feed standard. BTW, I have a new defiant I just bought, but Im too old school, I cant handle an auto, and im too trigger happy to get it to single fire, my willpower is not high enough. So im selling mine. Blue fade, comes w/ nitro setup, 3000psi 88ci(carbon fiber), benchmark offset cradle, blue 12v revo, 14" J7J full tilt 2 piece. if youre interested, read more on it in auctions..i might give ya a deal on the whole thing for say 700.
ps. MINT condition, only used for one game..Ill trade for a 2001 STO, preferably blue/purple fade, no air system needed. If ya got one.
The Village Idiot
Team Enigma

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