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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: bm2k newbie.....

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Posted by Splat Max on May 29, 2001 at 23:41:10:

In Reply to: bm2k newbie..... posted by Jedidiah on May 29, 2001 at 22:32:26:

Yes the Bushmaster can shoot as fast as the Angel, but alot of it has to do with how fast you can pull the trigger, but YES is can. It has semi, 3 and 6 shot burst, and full auto. Fairly accurate but I'd definatly recommend an aftermarket barrel. Stock they take ICD threads (Indian Creek, ICD, Bushmaster, Puma, they are the same) Defiants come stock with cocker threads but Bushmasters don't, however, for like an extra $45 you can have the Bushmaster threaded for cocker threads when you order your Bushmaster from ICD. The battery last 10,000 to 20,000 shots I believe. The Bushmaster runs off of a standard 9 volt battery, of course you can buy recharable 9 volts. It does not come stock with an anti-chop eye but several are made. A preset tank will work on 5th generation Bushmasters(lastest edition) and you can buy an upgrade kit from ICD(like $10) to make earilier editions run on a preset. 12 volt rev can do pretty well and you should be fine with one, thats what most everybody uses on them. Hope this helps, post with any further questions, and check out for alot of info on Bushmasters.

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