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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: 4 e-guns which one should i get

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Posted by Stylez on May 26, 2001 at 23:58:42:

In Reply to: 4 e-guns which one should i get posted by erik on May 24, 2001 at 22:54:22:

: I have enough money to buy pretty much any gun i don't like Angel so i wanted either a matrix, a shocker, a bushmaster, or a intimidater. which one should i get

it depends on what position you play, if you play back then id say shocker all the way. if you play mid-back then intimidator, tho ive heard complaints about the stock barrel (alot). If you play front id say bushy.

Now, on the other hand, if it were my money, id do something like what the other guy said, except it wouldnt be a kapp cocker with angel air and sandridge upgrade. Too much money for stuff i personally wouldnt need in a tourney. Id get either a black magic sto, and put on a hinge trigger frame, a free flow cocker, or a evolution cocker. For all of these id get a basic max-flo nitro system, say either 68 ci or 88 ci with 4500 psi. On the evolution autococker id get the vert reg for the maxflo cuz it lacks a foregrip. These are all my personal ideas for set-ups, i play front, and i dont spray a whole lot of paint, that isnt to say i dont trip the trigger a little, but i dont need an electro.
Any questions about what ive said email me at


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