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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: What is your Bushmaster/Defiant setup

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Posted by Superannuated on May 02, 2001 at 16:40:08:

In Reply to: What is your Bushmaster/Defiant setup posted by Splat on April 27, 2001 at 06:32:33:

Glad to see Warpig is stepping in to offer free forums for various gun owners. I won't pay for the privilige to be on Paintballdojo.

I have two Bushies:

: Black Bushmaster (#0253) Vaporized by Lumpy-stock trigger w/ heavier spring
: CIP Highrise and CIP valve with Kapp cupseal
: Dye Aluminum, CP small and large bore 12", Lapco Bigshot
: Max Attack 68ci. 4500psi with aftermarket on/off
:Vigilante in-line reg
:AccuRite black drop forward
: Sonic LP reg (with ram gauge)
: Chaos Chip and anti-chop eye
:Hogue grips

:Black Bushmaster (#0300 and something-I'm too lazy to go look)
:CIP Highrise and CIP valve with Kapp cupseal
:CIP LP reg adjuster and cap
:Ram updated by ICD
:Vigilante in-line reg
:Hogue grips
:Vigilante in-line reg

Oh, and I also have a tricked-out (plain black) '98 Cocker. I love the B2K, but I also love the Cocker.




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