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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: HELP my gun is on but gun dont shoot

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Posted by MYXZ on April 21, 2002 at 00:06:08:

In Reply to: HELP my gun is on but gun dont shoot posted by protrek68 on December 15, 2001 at 18:34:43:

: hello today i was doing some target parcticing , when i realize after 2 shoots there is major drop off that i have ever seen on my gun , after fireing 20 shoots total the gun suddenly dont shoot at all , the bolt is cock back and LCD screen says i am still shooting when i am pulling the trigger , but the bolt doesnt move at all ...... and its fresh battery , so i cant figure out why , do u know whats wrong with my gun ? thank

degas your gun and remove the grip frame, check the wires going to the solenoid if the have been disconnected, solder them back if they're disconnected, if the wires are intact, you might have a busted solenoid. to check this, turn on the gun without gassing it up, pull the trigger and listen for clicking sounds from the solenoid if you hear the solenoid click it is okay, butif you don't hear anything exept from the clicking of the trigger switch, you have a busted solenoid.
you can get a new solenoid from ICD, SmartpARTS, OR Air Soldier Products.

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