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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: Is Bushie worth the $ to step up from TL+

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Posted by Superannuated on December 29, 2001 at 16:42:35:

In Reply to: Is Bushie worth the $ to step up from TL+ posted by Jungus on December 27, 2001 at 21:15:31:

: I'm a young gun and I was wondering if the Bushie was a preformance boost enough to be worth the 600-750 that i'd put into the gun (drop,rev,freak back,possibly new reg, and the gun)
: thanx,
: Jungus

:: It depends on what kind of game you play. The TL is not a tournament level marker. Look at the guns being used in NPPL , Pan Am, etc. events and you see mostly Angels, Cockers, Bushies, Impulses, Intimidators, and Shockers, with the Angels and Cockers the most represented. Of these, the Bushey and Intimidator seem to be the most cost efficient electros, while a well set up vertical feed Cocker with the hinge trigger is a lot of gun for the money as well.

All of these guns are more suited to tournament play than your Spyder. Whether they are worth the additional money for recreational play depends on your goals. If you want to get to be the best player you can, then get the Bushey, as it will take you a lot further than your Spyder.

BTW, you may want to save some money and look at getting small and medium bore LAPCO or Custom Products one-piece aluminum barrels for the Bushey. The low pressure B2K shoots well with a single stage barrel with as little porting as possible. The Freak is a winner for higher pressure guns like the cocker, but wouldn't be my choice for the Bushey.



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