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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: ????

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Posted by Superannuated on Novembe r 21, 2001 at 23:16:09:

In Reply to: ???? posted by chuckwagon on Novembe r 18, 2001 at 15:30:03:

: i am thinkin of either a bushy or a cocker,would do bushies have good range?,is it ok if i use a 14in.boomstick i heard somethin about if u use a ported barrel then u loose somethin i can't remember,are they easy to maintain and clean??

:: I shoot both the Bushy and the Cocker in tournaments. Basic upkeep for the Bushy is simple, but when something goes wrong the gun may need electronic as well as mechanical/pneumatic help. With the Cocker, basic upkeep is a bit more complicated, but when something goes wrong, the solutions are all mechanical/pneumatic. There are more experienced Cocker airsmiths in Anytown USA than Bushy experts, but ICD will do prompt warrantee work on the Bushy if you UPS or Fed Ex them the gun.

The Bushy should give you similar range to the Cocker, though I give the Cocker a slight edge in long-range accuracy, that's a subjective call.

The thing about ported barrels is simply that if you break paint in them they are harder to shoot clean (use straight shot or battle swab squeegee to clean on field-not a biggie).

However, since the Bushy runs at about 250 psi stock (that's low pressure, the Cocker runs at 350-400psi stock, the Abgel at 400psi stock) a fairly tight-fitting single-stage barrel is my preference (the Broomstick is a two-stage barrel-the breech end is smaller than the muzzle end). I like the Custom Products one-piece aluminum barrels. Inexpensive but well-made.Get three (.685, .689 and .693) for about what you would pay for one Broomstick and you can shoot just about any paint accurately.



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