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WARPIG Tech Talk - Bushmaster 2000 / Defiant
Re: Anyone have any suggestions ?

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Posted by Christopher "Dizturbd1" Allsup on October 18, 2001 at 12:16:38:

In Reply to: Re: Anyone have any suggestions ? posted by superjerry on October 16, 2001 at 18:41:15:

ya know, here's what happened. the gun first had a leak, and i sent it to the shop, well the shop was a certified ICD warranty center, and the put atricycle valve in it, the plastic (more then likely polyethelene crush ring) on the cup seal wasn't even FLAT!!!! so i said screw it. bought a new valve and pin ($12.00 figured i couldn't go wrong) and started working on it last night..

I got the leak fixed, AND! since i modied the exhaust port on the valve and did a bit of polishing in the gun (low level vapor job) It allowed me to drop pressures WAY DOWN!

Tank reg 300
Main reg 150
LPR reg 90

gun uses SO little of an amount of gas now, with a 88 3000 i'm guessing i can go AT LEAST 8 or more games with out filling now (keep in mine i'm a all over player, back front, fill, and use up at least 300-400 balls a game.)

so i think it's all good now, OH Radio shack sells a friendIN LED Part Number 276-316 ( Blue LED HIGH output.) LOOKS AWESOME on a bushy. I'm taking pics and will give links sometime in the future. also look for me at

Online Bushmaster / Defiant Owners network!!! great tips, trick and parts there for us Bushy/defiant owners

hey anyone know if ANYONE has made a LCD Defiant ?
no Bob long doesn't offere it

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