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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air

Re: Nedd help

In Reply to: Nedd help posted by Wheelchairman on August 24, 2003 at 13:09:29:

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Posted by:
on August 26, 2003 at 15:56:28

I've messed around with them alittle bit and they are extremely hard to get to break, they must hit a hard surface like a wall, wood, mask etc. I don't think they would work to well for your application since they more than likely wouldn't break. Good luck.


: Anyone-
: I'm in the middle of designing and engineering a paintball claymore mine. It will shoot (Correction Added (36) .50 caliber paintballs at one trip time. This model will only be triggered by tripwire. (No More Details for now) Electronic will come later along with a few other designs paintball gammers need to be more realistic in time of war.
: The question I have for anyone is regarding the 6mm (air soft) paintballs. Do they break open the same as a .50 caliber on impact or are they harder to break. I could fit roughly 200 in one mine but if they do not break on impact, then the mine is useless. Anyone have any experience with these .6mm paintballs?
: Any input will be greatly appreciated.
: Thnak you.
: Wheelchairman

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