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Re: new gun owner here.. co2 leak..??

In Reply to: new gun owner here.. co2 leak..?? posted by smoger on January 15, 2003 at 17:15:03:

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Posted by:
Tom Sparkman

on January 16, 2003 at 11:19:49

: hey everyone,

: just got my first marker..(custom 98). messed with it a bit on xmas day, worked great. yesterday i went to use it again, and the tank is leaking all over.. the only thing i can imagine it being is the tank o-ring, but it doesnt look messed up to me.. although im not sure what I should be looking for.. any help is greatly appreciated.

: p.s. i was trying out a remote line i just picked up, and the tank leaks in both the remote and directly on the gun.. so i guess its definately the tank..

Very possibly the tank o-ring. You probably cut it when you removed your tank from the gun. If you unscrew it too fast, the pressure will push the o-ring into the threads and cut it. To prevent this, point it in a safe direction and fire the gun without paint while unscrewing the tank.

To fix, pick up a couple of extra o-rings and replace it.


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