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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air

thanks shawn for the detailia

In Reply to: Re: oil in HPA tank... posted by Bob MacAffee on December 16, 2002 at 10:56:39:

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Posted by:
on December 16, 2002 at 21:09:49

Thanks for filling in some of the details. I wonder one other detail though. What was the fill side capacity? Like was the jump from 2000 to 3000 or 2000 to 4500?

To me it sounds like since he couldn't put oil into the fill nipple due to the leak, he got oil all on the outside of the nipple. This then points to a nipple connection that was on the looser side. Meaning that the friction of pressurization may have been enough to spark and ignite the oil. You see what I mean? Only way, otherwise, would have been that the oil was squeezed into the airflow (quickly too) when the nipple pressurized and pushed anything beween the oring and the nipple back into the bottle.
This is more along the lines also with Squeaky's post below, though why he was using oil based treemarking paint... And how the bottle blew his regulator...(to me it implies he was using a co2 bottle, and he popped his burst disk, but I don't know and it wasnt the clearest of postings.)

I have always put oil into an empty tank, or into the fill side of the disconnect. But as putting oil into the fill side is not a precision task, I will probably avoid that in the future, and certainly not recommend it to noobs anymore. This despite the empirical position that it's 0% occurance if done properly.

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