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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air

Re: Remotes

In Reply to: Remotes posted by Lewy on November 26, 2002 at 03:28:07:

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Posted by:
on November 26, 2002 at 09:48:07

Make sure you don't get the thin slinky remotes that are smaller that 1/4 inch diameter tubing, you may run into some flow problems. Get the nice thick one, I&I sells some good ones for about $25-30 for the basic remote. Add another $20 for a slide-check valve so you can remove your gun quickly and easily. Other than size you won't find many differences in hose other than the tank adapters on the end of them may have ACI, TASO or some other brand stamped on it. As for steel or coiled, the steel is much more durable, but less flexible than the coiled (PVC?) ones. I think it will just come down to your preference. Hope it helps.


: I am looking to buy a remote. Which remotes are the best for the money? Any real difference between coiled and a straight one?

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