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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air
Re: 68/3000 Crossfire: EMPTY at 800psi?

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Posted by flow on July 17, 2002 at 14:06:22:

In Reply to: Re: 68/3000 Crossfire: EMPTY at 800psi? posted by VMAvery on July 15, 2002 at 15:17:15:

: I'm running a Spyder TL plus, all the internals are it might be the regulator, i didn't think about that. I depressed the pin and still had air flow...would this happen when i upgrade to a cocker...i'm planning on just using the stock reg on the cocker, let me know

: : : Alright maybe i'm just a n00b, but my tank is out of air when i reach this normal? or should the tank run empty when it is actually at 0?

: : What kind of set up do you have on your gun? Some of the inline regs do not regulate below 700 very well and can cause you to not be able to operate your marker. Can you take the tank off the marker and depress the pin. If you get a good flow of air out if the valve then it must be something with the set up of the marker.

Maybe try unscrewing the tank from the ASA a 1/4 turn. Sometimes the pin inside there is too long and will restrict the flow out of the reg.

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