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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air
Re: hooking up x-chamber in odd way

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Posted by Tom Sparkman on June 20, 2002 at 14:17:17:

In Reply to: hooking up x-chamber in odd way posted by TheBove on June 19, 2002 at 13:18:57:

: i've got a pro/carbine with the vert kit and expansion chamber, and keep on having air leak problems with the small metal gas line that tippmann provides with the kit. my question is does it really matter which way the CO2 goes through the expansion chamber? i'm thinking of running the line from the asa to the top of the expansion chamber, and then feed the line from the bottom of the chamber to the reduction fitting/valve on the bottom of the gun. anyone see problems with this?

The problem with that setup is if any liquid CO2 gets into the x-chamber, it will just get sucked out the bottom. If you have it set up the normal way (input on bottom, output at top), the x-chamber would need to get filled up with liquid CO2 before it would come out the output.

IMHO, x-chambers only act as a liquid sump - they have a limited ability as a heat exchanger, especially during a game - the CO2 just doesn't have much time to absorb any heat.


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