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Alternative Projectiles In Reply to: cuz.... lol .... plus.. posted by Peter__ Jones on November 24, 2003 at 17:50:14:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on November 25, 2003 at 12:11:25
: well, on the projectile thing, i was assuming we were in a general trnd of going towards the nerf rockets... but if youve got an idea, im all ears! : and marking techniques... i havent gotten there yet.. but again... if youve got an idea... Your Nerf Ballistic Balls: Nerf Ballistic Balls Would NOT have too much range but is tempting for a marker mounted, anti tank weapon for close range. Expecting my 250 psi rated, solenoid diverter valve in the mail momentarily... Going to hook it right up the the front block plug hole of my autococker that has an output pressure off the main reg of 275 psi and hope it doesn't leak too much air around the O ring... OR just use the roughly 100 psi Front cocker reg and see what velocity I can get out of a 12" barrel. Calculates very decent in the 250-350 fps range. OR You basic tennis ball. Concerned about its weight and energy it could deposit of a face mask. The IDEA is to utilize the POROUS Surface of these items. Just put them in a "Shake and Bake Bag" full of the hunters orange plumbers chaulk. I expect it will generate an interesting cloud of dust when you fire it, but it WILL mark a surface nicely. It is dry. You can use it multiple times before rechaulking it.(if it ain't raining) The OTHER IDEA is that they are ROUND. A predictable trajectory over a slightly used Nerf with Bent fins. The OTHER IDEA is that they are ROUND. They would be EASY to Drop Feed into a loading mechanism out of a TUBE magizine. Your basic Tube, 90 degree elbow, Very short pipe to a T fitting that slides the whole assembly up and down over the feed hole in the barrel... Put in a shotgun spring behind the balls and you have a power feed IF you can eliminate the double feed problem. Am I just smart or so dumb I just think I'm smart? It seems too simple.. Like someone else should have thought of this before now. What am I missing here? Anybody already been there? : hmm, was thinking... pvc s nice and light and all, but as tj mentioned, its not altogether too strong... but also heard that aluminum wasnt too easy to work with, like it gumms up on a blade when its cut, cuz its so soft (as a metal). would it be THAT hard to make a reciever out of aluminum? (in reference to a similar design to tj's new cannon). : also, the reservoir input to the pressure chamber.. I have seen numerous ones that drill and tap a 1/4 or smaller pipe fitting hole through the double thick walls of the combined PVC pipe and Cap Fitting. They verbalize no problems. : i like the camo tape idea.. lil tacky lookin close up, but better than a cheap paint job.. It is replaceable. I plan straight strips, edge to edge, up and down the length of the barrel rather than trying to spiral wind the tape around it. Can replace individual strips easily as needed. : a long while back i asked a lil about a pressure sensor/switch that would disable the trigger til it was fully charged... i found one new for 40 bucks.. is that a decent price? or can i find one cheaper? sounds like its over qualified cuz it goes up to 4000 psi. : do they make permanent gauges for this stuff? cuz i know i can get a lil tire pressure thingie and it would do the trick, but it wont mount. i was looking for a dial taht would just stick out from the pressure chamber on the side, in view, ya know? guess this falls under the side loaded air question too.. You can order or locally buy paintball pressure guages in the $15 range. 1/8" NPT threads. 0 -300, 0 - 1200 My local hardware store carries 0-250 psi Air Tank pressure guages for $5. 1/4" NPT.
I have to test one and see how Quick it recharges flow rate wise. E mail me back when you are ready. : dale, thanks for the sim, but its not working, says its corrupted or something, ill try to download it from the site, but hadnt thought seriously of looking into it till now, but ya changed my mind! thanks, and i will use it! I could send it again. It is weird to install and boot... : also, air sources, what are you guys using? seen the fire extingusher, thats cool! what else though? thought about getting a rental co2 thingie, you know, the huge ones? like 3ft tall or whatever.. anyway, yeah, the extingushers would prolly work almost better than that.. but yeah, lookin for to see what EVERYONES using.. The extinguisher bodies were Air Reseviors aka Pressure Chambers. NOT air supply tanks... : guys that have been using nerfs... how many times on avg can you reuse them, taking into account some you cant find, some stolen, some broken, etc... and how many do you carry to a game? how many do you shoot? I loose about HALF of the Nerfs that I shoot over 25 yards. If I shoot at 10 feet onto a tank kill plate, they tend to break in half... But D Day I was blasting away and wound up trashing or loosing $25 worth of Nerf for 6 tank kills but noticed that I took 3/4 of the case of paint I bought home with me. You shoot less paintball paint when you play with the RPG. The costs seem to offset each other. Now in a tank. You shoot a LOT of paint regardless. |
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