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Some good points. In Reply to: part-time tankers -- not good for the game posted by Captain_Caveman on November 03, 2003 at 22:09:42:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on November 04, 2003 at 11:56:54
: --------------------------- ": How about the rules that already work well... : 80% hard break surface Works for me. The insurance companys don't let us approach tanks with a satchel charge. 10 foot rule. With one field being the exception, a single projectile has to hit a 18" x 18" square on the side of the tank to kill it. ": If there is mobility problems for vehicle tanks, there should be mobility problems for carry tanks." If it falls over you're dead and your stuck/unstuck school of thought. It is raining here today. I was pondering a pair of bicycle wheels in the mud this morning. That could definitely cause mobility problems on or off road. Definitely Balloon bicycle tires..... ": It is the field owners option to have more roads. If given the opprotunity, tankers will create roads to facilitate operation. " Chicken or the egg. Why build tank roads for a game that has only one or two tanks at the game? "The best off-road policy I have ever encountered was in Ft. Myers at a MXS game--- If you get it stuck, you get it out. --- How's that for realism!" How did they get around the Insurance Regulations that require designated roads so they don't run over people....? : When a person or group builds a real PAV there is a level of commitment and love for tanking that cannot be mached by someone who chances into a walking tent with gun ports. It also takes MONEY that Rules Out a LOT of players that would have a level of commitment and love for tanking.... Yes, it should be more than a walking tent. I would agree. Just what? " There are separate rules and guidelines for those shooting from a PAV. Is the ref going to re-chrono(230FPS)everyone who wanders into a tank?" Good point. Maybe an installed marker that stays with the tank and a way to hang up their own marker. : As tankers we are in the spotlight. When we "F" up; it's hard to hide. Therefore, it is with the utmost caution that we operate our vehicles and keep watch over those gunning from our stations. For the most part. Oklahoma D Day is the exception to the rule......We got a ref to use our hand held and caught a German tank gunner at 450 pfs... He told him to turn it down and let them drive on without making sure! Outrageous...! Should have pulled the tank out of the game! Every field in the world would have except for D Day. ": We make damn sure that there is nothing going on that will jeprodize the privledge to play with armor; there has been too much preperation and effort expended into this project to screw it up." I agree, got to keep it safe for all. Err on the side of being conservative.... By the way, Guess a 'safe velocity' for a Tennis Ball Projectile out of a RPG. Heavier and harder than a Nerf. Simular, energies of a paint sabot round at close range but a tennis ball would retain that for much farther range. Same as a good tennis serve? or hard ball pitch? ": Do you really think the kids that chance into tank operation will know the rules and saftey measures specific to tanks?" I was visualizing a squad of supporting infantry for the tank and they would rotate in and out within that squad. They would have some training and instruction. I agree that random access to use it would NOT be a good idea. Mostly simular rules as previously discussed.
It could go either way. Whether or not you can invest several thousand dollars in tanks or high end paintball markers doesn't mean anything about tanking or paintball ethics. We've all seen the little 12 year old rich kids with the Angels arguing with a ref about being call out.... My previous example with suffice for tankers. : Is there really a need for more complicated tank kill rules when I already have to keep a copy of tank rules handy to show the refs why I disagree with their call? Your point about the need for keeping the rules for motorized and non motorized tanks a simular as possible is well taken. Yes the refs get confused easily.... The more tank experience they get the better that will be.. But where it ADDs to the game like being allowed to travel off of the motorized tank roads would be a plus.. Most folks could adapt to that...
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