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WARPIG Tank Talk

Re: Valve Design

In Reply to: Re: Valve Design posted by Dale on May 30, 2003 at 11:42:50:

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Posted by:
Dave Hall
on May 31, 2003 at 14:44:48

: They use a cup seal and the valve body uses O rings that are entirely enclosed and stationary.

So? You said a valve couldn't be made to work due to the Oring issue. My point is that the Oring issue can be completely avoided.

: : And I know at work we have O-ring seals that operate at 8,000 (yes, 8 THOUSAND) psi with no leakage.

: That is a hydralic system.

Sorry, but it's not a hydraulic system. It's for a gas system. And extremely high temperature gas at that. No valve involved and a short life, but that's not my point in bringing that up.

And as a final point, I'll point out that we do have a 3000 psi air system that does indeed use Orings as part of it's valve system design (I know because I've disected/rebuilt the valve). And this is a 6" valve.

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