WARPIG.com Tank Talk Discussion Forum
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Post A Tank Talk Message!
- Max II ATV 6x6 Tank Project -
"Trojen" ocala, fl 03:52:52 07/13/06
- INSIDE PAINTBALL covering Tank Battle in OK -
"James R. Mad Dog Morgan" 12:56:00 12/16/05
- Anyone interested in PB/Airsoft tanking -
AllAmericanDan 14:26:21 09/21/05
- Looking to build a LAW need Schematics -
"Falcon-Strike" 22:20:12 06/10/05
- Unique Paintball Marker Setup -
"azpaul" Chandler Arizona 20:53:46 03/20/04
- Tell me what you fellow tankers think? -
"capt_lane" iraq 17:01:06 02/23/04
- apv team in birmingham Al. ??? -
birmingham Al. 04:39:21 02/16/04
- Need some advise from some Tankers. -
"Head Hunter" St. Charles, Mo. suburb of St. Louis 11:20:37 01/28/04
- How much for a real semi-auto? -
"Solar" 01:40:36 01/25/04
- Tanks looking for a Gatling Gun? -
"Equalizer" Gainesville, FL 20:02:38 01/19/04
- Scuba Tank/Nitro Tank used for air tools -
"harleyds" 16:04:34 01/18/04
- cold smoke bombs -
"Joker2323" 17:55:00 01/17/04
- Posted Rainbird Valve Pictures of MODS -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 13:10:57 01/13/04
- New Forums! -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 18:30:31 01/12/04
- Hey Warpig, What happening? -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 13:20:12 01/13/04
- Where? -
Dave _Tackleberry_ 21:13:07 01/12/04
- Re: Where? -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 23:38:04 01/12/04
- Yes! -
Smakman 19:36:58 01/13/04
- Yes! -
Smakman 19:36:57 01/13/04
- The Whole Truth -
Perry Singleton 15:05:04 01/09/04
- St. Louis Area Tanker Partner(s) wanted -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 12:40:27 01/06/04
- info for Battle of the Bulge at Skirmish -
machinegunner5902 13:22:31 01/03/04
- How many tank friendly fields in NJ/NY/PA area? -
Dave _Tackleberry_ 12:58:55 12/29/03
- LAW -
Spike2200 01:37:59 12/28/03
- Re: LAW -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 17:15:49 01/03/04
- Re: LAW -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 00:09:15 12/29/03
- Re: LAW -
Spike2200 01:26:15 12/29/03
- Re: LAW -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 14:47:59 12/29/03
- Re: LAW -
Spike2200 00:58:58 12/29/03
- Free page hosting for your tank or PAV -
Smakman 15:33:35 12/23/03
- more tech questions -
Peter__ Jones 11:09:50 12/23/03
- Who's bringing a tank to Ft. Myers MXS game? -
Captain_Caveman 06:32:02 12/20/03
- Seat mounting help -
Sam "machinegunner5902" Heil 18:45:49 12/17/03
- Light armored Panzer -
_Panzer_Commander_ 12:19:39 12/16/03
- Armored fist -
_Panzer_Commander_ 12:03:25 12/16/03
- Re: Armored fist -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 15:03:32 12/16/03
- HMG M2 -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 11:34:22 12/14/03
- lawnmower-based light panzer -
Sam "machinegunner5902" Heil 06:58:50 12/14/03
Sam "machinegunner5902" Heil 06:51:44 12/14/03
- Disruption of Service -
PigTech 08:50:19 12/12/03
- Anti Tank/Anti personnel mine -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 09:44:36 12/07/03
- When is a scenario more than just a game? -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 12:08:44 12/06/03
- Russian T-90 Tank......need info for a lecture -
Sub 02:27:32 11/30/03
- Anyone heard from "Hellfire" ? are they OK ? >>>>> -
Old Timers 12:31:53 11/28/03
- Trying to contact doom Troopers. -
Boe "Harlequin" Langless 01:42:41 11/28/03
- FaceMask Safety Standards and RPGs -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 15:53:47 11/24/03
- Spectacular Failure -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 00:17:37 11/24/03
- Looking for Join Fury/Lost Boys/et al -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 14:23:12 11/23/03
- more randomtricycle from me... haha -
Peter__ Jones 12:50:42 11/23/03
- I Need A Tank Turrent & Arm Design -
Douglas Arnold 09:00:54 11/22/03
- My Thoughts About Someones Tank!!! -
MustangGT 21:24:15 11/19/03
- WARNING - don't travel far if field has THIS rule -
Julius_Tank 10:36:27 11/11/03
- Who's writing policies for vehicle chassis tanks? -
Captain_Caveman 20:26:49 11/10/03
- Pictures explained in a picture -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 08:51:48 11/08/03
- main weapon options -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 10:04:57 11/07/03
- Preliminary role call for Grand Finale! -
Captain_Caveman 00:08:58 11/07/03
- Playing with the Gas Gun Simulator -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 22:50:14 11/06/03
- Well that's certainly annoying... -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 14:10:53 11/04/03
- Got the Gas Gun Design Simulator to work. -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 15:29:31 11/01/03
- Barrel Materials and Projectiles -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 15:23:58 11/01/03
- Baller 1 pic -
Smakman 19:17:40 10/31/03
- Walking Tank Proposed Rules -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 12:49:16 10/31/03
- Tank Rules -
mnsparky 23:18:56 10/29/03
- Oklahoma D-Day Photos Available -
James "Mad_Dog" Morgan 13:23:17 10/27/03
- Shooting a gun remotely -
Silentdoh 00:18:50 10/23/03
- No problem. -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 10:00:49 10/26/03
- My Tank -
Jesse "Spudy" Evans 12:03:29 10/14/03
- OOPs.....I should of read the message below... -
_Panzer_Commander_ 10:16:15 10/11/03
- Insurance for R.T.W.L -
_Panzer_Commander_ 10:02:25 10/11/03
- My co2 tank is leaking -
Chris "Splaterpaintball" Slater 14:13:24 10/08/03
- real tanks -
john_m smith 22:11:56 10/07/03
- tank insurance -
john "tugboat150" south 18:14:04 10/06/03
- sleepy hollow IV -
RANGER_17 23:28:50 10/05/03
- Tanks and the Return To Wolfs Lair Scenario at EMR -
JointFuryFlounder 20:27:22 10/03/03
- Would a dune buggy make a good base for a tank? -
Pick 14:19:26 09/28/03
- Would a dune buggy make a good base for a tank? -
Pick 14:18:58 09/28/03
- Would a dune buggy make a good base for a tank? -
Pick 14:18:33 09/28/03
- Would a dune buggy make a good base for a tank? -
Pick 14:18:14 09/28/03
- npt fittings for paintball -
jonnyg 23:12:14 09/26/03
- Scale model scout vehicle -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 12:19:53 09/17/03
- Paintball RPG -
Rosey 15:57:38 09/16/03
- Help finding a 2 inch to 1 inch PVC reducer? -
Dave _Tackleberry_ 23:53:23 09/14/03
- Rat attack -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 21:20:12 09/11/03
- Hey Flounder! -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 21:39:33 09/09/03
Anthony "_ACE_" Perera 19:37:40 09/08/03
- cylindred filling station Co2 -
hayro melendez 05:46:00 09/07/03
- cannon lubricants? -
Captain_Caveman 23:05:35 09/05/03
- I'm looking for this? -
MIke "Problemchild" Beyer 13:13:09 09/04/03
- Just for the record..... -
Captain_Caveman 22:47:53 09/03/03
- Vehicle Source List/MIL Surplus -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 17:30:46 09/01/03
- Anti Tank lanucher -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 18:46:17 08/30/03
- Sometimes life's a B****! -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 08:50:24 08/30/03
- Need help on a part. -
Wheelchairman 19:41:25 08/29/03
- It's finished -
Mr._Engler 22:31:29 08/25/03
- man-powered tanks? -
skunkboy 12:11:43 08/25/03
- Tracked Paintball tank for sale to highest bidder -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 18:02:06 08/23/03
- Cannons -
The_Iron_Man! 14:54:36 08/23/03
- Re: Cannons -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 22:41:45 08/23/03
- Re: Cannons -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 15:28:50 08/23/03
- Need help -
Wheelchairman 11:48:31 08/23/03
- Tank friendly fields -
Smakman 10:58:26 08/23/03
- MXS Tank rule questions -
Jesse "Spudy" Evans 22:25:17 08/20/03
- Splatt Attack ll -
_Panzer_Commander_ 10:18:30 08/18/03
- Tankers needed for Oct 4-5th by Madison, WI -
beegs 17:38:15 08/13/03
- A 'doable' tracked tank starting point -
crows_paintball 22:10:00 08/11/03
- Talon Fighting Vehicle clip and E-Bay bid site -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 08:29:28 08/08/03
- 40 sec high qulity movie of T90 russian tank -
kuka 04:24:05 08/08/03
- What radios do you use in your tanks? -
Dave _Tackleberry_ 20:59:29 08/05/03
- CO2 tank internal threads -
Alan Young2 17:04:03 08/05/03
- M-79 snap gun like C02 cannon link/plans anyone? -
Dave _Tackleberry_ 20:05:57 08/03/03
- AT-4 Tank Killer -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 18:32:51 07/28/03
- Chemical Reactions -
Carl "Cockroach" Gelhaus 15:14:42 07/28/03
- Anysuggestions for a First time builder -
Jesse "Spudy" Evans 23:04:30 07/27/03
- The Demolition Goblin -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 08:50:59 07/27/03
- Question for Mike of LCT paintball.... -
Dave _Tackleberry_ 12:05:08 07/26/03
- Nope -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 15:39:10 07/26/03
- Way off topic for this forum but.... -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 04:29:01 07/25/03
- Tank Action at the IAO -
bret_ golihew 02:54:56 07/21/03
- New Toy -
Mr._Engler 11:15:06 07/18/03
- paintball tank in canada? -
dude "Windwalker" x 18:40:49 07/16/03
- paintball tank in canada? -
dude "Windwalker" x 18:40:47 07/16/03
- Calling all tank crews -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 14:03:52 07/15/03
- Cousins Big Game Part 2 in NJ yesterday -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 15:28:48 07/14/03
- just tank on tank battles? -
Tack 12:40:04 07/14/03
- Solenoid Valve help -
Jon LeValley 21:25:38 07/12/03
- paintball gatling gun -
dude "Windwalker" x 19:22:11 07/12/03
- FS Bulk gas regulators for you Tank Cannon -
Brad "scarecrowe" King 18:32:39 07/09/03
- how to make a tank that uses tracks -
dude "Windwalker" x 23:45:21 07/06/03
- paintball tank in ontario -
dude "Windwalker" x 23:12:01 07/06/03
- paintball tank in ontario -
dude "Windwalker" x 23:11:57 07/06/03
- paintball tank in ontario -
dude "Windwalker" x 23:10:21 07/06/03
- Main gun rules at different fields -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 17:07:39 07/03/03
- Not able to make Cousins Big game....... -
_Panzer_Commander_ 18:47:57 07/02/03
- Cousins NJ Big game -
FredatCousins 17:10:21 06/27/03
- Two Tigers? -
_Panzer_Commander_ 12:29:35 06/24/03
- Bring your tank....Assassins Guild dares you!!!!!! -
JointFuryFlounder 09:16:17 06/22/03
- Tank Insurance Source -
MXS 13:43:37 06/20/03
- filling tanks -
Rock_Chucker 21:27:58 06/19/03
- filling tanks -
Rock_Chucker 21:11:45 06/19/03
- tank insuramce -
john "tugboat150" south 19:50:28 06/19/03
- Junkyard Wars -
Kyle McWilliam 22:02:56 06/18/03
- Nerf location -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 01:16:41 06/14/03
- trial of my new cannon -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 13:35:05 06/11/03
- tanks at DDay -
doc_Zox 21:55:53 06/10/03
- New Russion big GAMES -
Awe 16:44:10 06/09/03
- Post your D DAY Comments HERE! -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 09:47:01 06/09/03
- DBD's new nerf Ballista -
doc_Zox 23:05:48 06/06/03
- Don't know yet -
Bill "Capt Bill" Tison 15:55:16 06/06/03
- tankinator to waynes -
john "tugboat150" south 18:08:48 06/05/03
- New cannon pics -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 13:48:28 06/03/03
- I now have a Ghost / Tank Buster. -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 23:29:28 06/02/03
- Tippmann 203 -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 13:09:34 05/31/03
- Lightweight Pressure Reseviors for Hand Helds -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 12:18:02 05/30/03
- A request... -
Dave Hall 00:57:01 05/30/03
- Re: A request... -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 01:22:44 06/02/03
- Anyone played a tank at Spacecoast Paintball, FL? -
Bill "Capt Bill" Tison 07:59:54 05/29/03
- Sprinkler Valve Tips Needed. -
scarecrowe 22:08:23 05/25/03
- Coram Big Game pictures up on Armored Fist -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 15:25:16 05/24/03
- Yet another pneumatic cannon sim release. -
Dave Hall 00:54:48 05/23/03
- Anyone care to reverse engineer this design? -
Brad "scarecrowe" King 20:15:32 05/22/03
- Anyone care to reverse engineer this design? -
Brad "scarecrowe" King 20:15:28 05/22/03
- CO2 cannon updade. -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 18:44:53 05/21/03
- "Cartel" game and demo ammo? -
Captain_Caveman 19:42:48 05/19/03
- Valve Timing - I might be able to see the light. -
Dave Hall 14:32:28 05/18/03
- 30 Cal Browning completed -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 18:28:27 05/16/03
- Ultimate fantasy land -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 07:08:00 05/16/03
- uh, what link? (nt) -
Peter__ Jones 12:22:42 05/16/03
- LINK -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 13:43:50 05/16/03
- Re: LINK -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 13:45:08 05/16/03
- Finally! -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 22:06:05 05/15/03
Dave Hall 01:46:21 05/14/03
- hmmm. -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 08:08:00 05/14/03
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 09:30:54 05/13/03
- bit of weird stuff to ask, but may make senselater -
Peter Jones 07:39:43 05/11/03
- AT4 -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 10:01:51 05/09/03
- tanks at Ft Myers game -
john "tugboat150" south 19:00:48 05/08/03
- Vortex Howlers -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 17:55:57 05/08/03
- Tanks, trucks, jeeps and more -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 08:29:40 05/07/03
- Actually.... -
george "tankdriver" povey 01:21:59 05/15/03
- Pressure Vessels.... -
Dave Hall 02:13:32 05/07/03
- NURF UPDATE...kinda!!! -
john "tugboat150" south 17:44:53 05/06/03
- Valve Selection -
Dave Hall 16:46:12 05/06/03
- A REAL Tank for sale -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 10:12:42 05/06/03
- Interesting advantage of Nerf over Paintballs -
T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot 08:35:22 05/06/03
- More test results -
Michael "LCT_Paintball" Lyon 09:06:38 05/05/03
- Bunkered a tank during night game! A first? -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 09:54:21 05/04/03
- Heads Up -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 11:07:59 05/03/03
- paint greande rounds -
Andy "ADorsai" VanDerPlaats 11:00:24 05/03/03
- New contest Idea for friday pregame for promotors -
The Demolition Goblin 09:58:35 05/03/03
- RPG almost ready. Feedback on my thinking. -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 13:50:50 05/02/03
- RPG almost ready. Inconsistent Velocity so Help! -
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont 13:35:42 05/02/03
- Speaking of close range hits.... -
Dave Hall 12:46:22 05/02/03
- Shot In The Face With LCT's Toy.... -
IDon_tNeedNoStinkinNickname 20:22:34 05/01/03
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Corinthian Media Services.
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paintball industry.