Grand Finale
Posted by: "Hankey" on December 06, 2004 at 20:40:55
On behalf of The Moles, I would like to thank everyone (on both sides of the field) for this years Grand Finale. Thanks to you, it was the best one ever! It was both a pleasure and a honor to play with you all. ---------------------------------------------- Players (and refs) from all over North America, If you have never been to a Grand Finale, you This year's game started at a comfortable pace, which was very unusual, but very welcome. I do The battles were awesomely intense as thousands The mutual respect amoung the players was at an And the post game drawing? I can't even begin to I have never seen Sooo many players stay Sooo long The Grand Finale Was Truly A Blast! If you missed Perhaps, the Grand Finale will become inter-galaxtic in 2005...? Man, I can't wait until next year... See you all soon. Hankey ;-)
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