Congratulations.....>>>>>>>>>>>>> |
Posted by: Old Timers on September 17, 2004 at 19:19:37
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Congratulations, I quit 24 years ago for many reasons and tried to retire at the same time. I gained 80 pounds and still ended up with only 50% breathing capacity. One good thing though is that I saved alot of money by not smoking, don't catch colds easily, and I don't smell like an old ash tray like do smokers. Keep up the good new habit and you my also get tall and good looking like me...hee, hee....hope to see you soon somewhere. Maybe you will be able to afford to play more paint ball with the money you will save....Chuck
: I feel like hell, I look worse, and I'm crabby and cranky all the time. But since I quit, I'll probably live longer, and that means I can be crabby, cranky, rude, and obnoxious to more people. Life is good! : "Hollywood"
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