Posted by: "olderthandirt" on August 25, 2004 at 21:29:51
Hurricaine Field is putting on an 8 hr scenario game on Sat Sept 4th. 10 am game on. The theme is 2 alien nations battleing it out for a endless energy source. Would be great to see some old friends come on out for this one. Drag out your best alien costume and lets play some paintball! WE have made this very affordable, $20 registration ,no pre-reg just pay at the gate, and $50 for a case of paint. The 2 Generals will be Dean Murphy of Team Bonsai, most of you older players will remember him best as "Clyde" at Waynes games, and then Mark Goodman is the other General of the Rogue Warriors. 2 good players to keep the their teams motivated. If you need any additional information, shoot me an email at generalchester@aol.com or give a call at the store: 321-727-2510 Chester |
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