Seige of Khe Sanh -sept. game at Old River PB
Posted by: "SRSix32" ocala,fl on July 05, 2004 at 21:41:43
all, While the guards on all the outposts were nervous, the gnerasl himself was well aware of an VC attack, putting out extra guards,and enlisting the help of army rangers to asist the marines during the upcoming and inevitable battle, the general prepares for a battle of wits,cunning and firepower........All who wish to be a part of the this great upcoming scenario, and wish to play for the marines, drop me an email or to play for the Elusive VC , drop hugh at oldriver.com an email.....Calling all teams get the ball rolling early......thanks....see everyone this weekend....july 10th for the battle of bunker Hill....Gregg Capt. |
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