To all at" Blood of the Brotherhood"@ Orbitial
Posted by: "Brino" Venice Fl on April 14, 2004 at 07:10:05
* To All Paintballers who played Blood of the Brotherhood @ Orbital Paintball* Hello Florida ScenarioBallers. It's Brino Captain of Team Arson. All our friends out there who run with us, know. That we are a stand up team. Always playing by the book. As some of you might heard. There was a spy for a good part of this game. This action was not approved by the game director(Bill Dunlap) of Duncan's Games. For this reason, and this reason only. Is what made Bluefish and I in the wrong. This small infraction however was not in violation of any written rules. So therefore I would like to aplogize for myself and all of Team Arson. To the players, refs, teamates, opposition, Jeff at Orbitial and most of all Bill Duncan. For those of y'all who dont know Bluefish (Max) well, let me say this: y'all know me and Team Arson. And I stand behind Max all the way. He is a honest, stand- up, loyal friend and now teamate. Yes...Bluefish is now an Arsonist!! Well Bluefish also wrote something that I would like to add to this post. We thought it would be best, seeing how its both our doing we shall apologize together BLUEFISH------ I am not proud of my actions, however, they have been done, and there is nothing the myself nor Brino can do to change that. What we did was foolish. It was a severe lack of judgement on both our parts, especially my own. For this, I apologize. What we did was not mentioned in the GSRP. Since it was not in the rules, it cannot be counted againt them. Thats not saying that it was right, because it was not. I am ashamed that it happened. Neither of us had attended Duncan's briefing. On the assumtion that we were following the GSRP, which we did, with slight modifications. I just assumed to much. Once again my most humble apology to all. BRINO--------- Team Arson has now played 5 Duncans Games. We should not let Duncan's Games and Orbitial Paintball good names be tarnished for any of this. These actions were soley done by Myself and Bluefish. And if Jeff or Duncan would of know any of this, they would have put a hault to all and any spy play for the remander of the game. Duncan's Games have always been fair, exciting and fun. Orbitial Paintball if a great field with a great staff that I still love to play at. Let us all please put this behind us and continue to play ball. I play tourney paintball, and I thought what seperates the two is the polotics and whinning. Lets keep it like that!!!! If any questions please feel free to email me at Brino@teamarson.com or BlueFish at BlueFishTZ28@yahoo.com Thank you,Sincerely Brino Captain Team Arson Bluefish- Team Arson _________________ Nick "Brino" Scalabrino Captain Team Arson |
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