Old River Paintball's Matirx Uncovered Game
Posted by: "Hugh McElvey" on April 05, 2004 at 21:59:38
Just getting over a winning generalship at First Strike Paintball's great field in Gainseville, Fl., I hate to tute my own horn but here goes: Old River is offering a 24 hour scenario on May 1-2. The Matrix is going to be a new game and in keeping with our usual high caliber event. Andy Graham has agreed to general the human side of the game and learn how to cope with the Matrix. Now I need a real master of disaster in the form of "The Architect" to general the computer "Matrix" side of the game. It plans to be an interesting and unique game. If interested please give me a call at 352-795-0458, contact Charlene or Hugh Stephens at 352-588-5840, post back or email me at macm@infionline.net. The "Architect will know all and try to control the future" as it happens in the series. Life will get interesting for all concerned - quickly. For more info please see the website at oldriverpaintball.com. Look forward to seeing you on the field soon; Old River Scenario Director, Hugh McElvey
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