safety display....great day!!
Posted by: "SRSix32" ocala,fl on April 03, 2004 at 20:26:05
all, well the safety display went well, thomas from ragtop stopped by to take a few photos, and let me run to the bathroom!!...lol...had quite a turnout, lots of people asking every question under the sun....i want to thank everyone who sent me info and flyers,thomas thanks for the help, people loved your videos, hope some of them contact ya....old river got plenty of bragging time ....hope to see lots of those people out there soon....thanks to flurry industries for ALL THE STICKERS!! And to other ocala area teams, want to try to make this a regualr event, and help raise money for the marion county sheriffs K-9 unit, raised some money would of like to rasie more, but can only do so much by myself, wanna organize a cook out to sell food in front of the walmart again, and see if we can raise more, and have another safety display with more markers, videos,etc.....really draw a crowd, gonna try to get the sheriffs to bring their dogs out and draw us a crowd!!...anyway anyone interested drop me an email.........gregg |
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