Shadows in the dark.......
Posted by: "SRSix32" ocala,fl on March 17, 2004 at 13:41:32
As the Recon team was dropped off via Helicopter, they waited till it grew dark to make their move towards the enemy base.The TeamLeader radioing into Base,saying they had arrived at their overnight position .Many patrols were out looking for the team, as the helicopter hadn't gone unnoticed.The TL had he guys prepare to move out right at dusk to edge themselves closer to their objective.Once the time was right the Recon Team began their trek towards the enemy base, The pointman utilizing his NVG, could see well ahead of them.The team having to stop several times to allow friendly and enemy patrols to pass by their location,took the opportunity to radio into the general to make sure that friendlies were aware they were on a mission.As an enemy patrol was walking past one lone player decided to stop and tie his shoe..hehe...the team leader reached out and tapped his foot , telling him to take a walk ,whispering you've just been "Shadowed".After a short period making sure the player hadn't told the others as he walked past the team continued on towards their objective.with the objective now in site the team settled down and prepared for the right opportunity to complete their task they had been given.The team was given the green light,and they sat,and sat and sat.....then!..The general appeared from the command bunker, The team leader motioned to the Sniper to take the shot! "POP" , the enemy general looks in disgust as he had been marked, the team engressed back the way they came to a checkpoint."whats the password" whispered an unseen body,"Sierra " whispered the TL. The team was then allowed to enter friendly lines and walked up to the command bunker for a little pat on their backs,and a 5 min. break before heading out on another mission.The team would continue to harrass the enemy all night!! Sending many a player walking off the field unaware of their location.......................................................ShAdOW reCoN...."watching your six"....
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