Re: Battle for Bagdad |
Posted by: "capt_roguemonkey" Palm Bay, Florida on March 15, 2004 at 04:35:03
: Many thanks to Stephanie, Jack, Chester, refs and all the players for the enjoyable day. I'm sore today but it was a lot of fun chasing and being chased around the rolling terrain at First Strike. Taking that Fort with twin towers and gattling gun is Tough with a capital T. A special thanks to my Sportsman award winner David Olinger and Best Team award winner Northsiders. I look forward to seeing all these new paintball friends at the Nocer/First Strike game, Holy Grail, in April. I would also like to see some of my old paintball friends that I haven't seen in a while such as the Dawgs, Misfits, Fugitives, Troopers, Gladiators and the many more that don't pop into my tired mind right now. I'm needing support in the general role of King Authur so grab your shootin irons, damsels and pink rabbits and let's have a blast. Jack is thinking of capping the game at 250 players so get in touch with First Strike and register early. Look forward to seeing EVERYONE soon. General Hugh
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