Free safety inspection
Posted by: "ActionBob" on the road on February 27, 2004 at 00:09:05
East Stroudsburg, PA Gunslinger's Paintball would like to announce that they will be doing free safety inspections upon Co2 tanks at their events. After a recent accident in California which claimed a life, they will be doing visual and torque inspections of any paintball Co2 tanks at events. We will inspect the tank for visible defects, check the torque of the valve to the tank, and apply Loc-tite where needed at no charge. Please be aware that this is not a hydrotest, and does not exempt a tank from hydrotesting.Please bring them to us empty and let us know if any internal modifications have been done. Any tanks that need additional service or parts will be addressed at the event by the Gunslinger's. Gunslinger's tech service will be attending EMR Paintball Park events, MXS Sportz scenario games, the Global Paintball League tournament series, select Blue's Crew events and more to be announced. For more information please visit the Gunslinger's on the web, visit the event producers websites, or call at (570) 424-6084. |
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