"Hurt Player/Ref at 24 hr game needs our help"
Posted by: "capt_roguemonkey" Palm Bay, Florida on February 20, 2004 at 05:06:31
We have a Paintballer that needs our support. He was a REF at a 24 hr game and he fell and broke his leg. They had to do surgery and put plates and pins in. He is self employed and has no insurance, and we all know how expensive insurance is. He has accumalated over $10,000 in bills already and just started physical therapy. Not including his living expenses. Because of the injury he is unable to work. Kevin Melton is a Tile contractor. We at General Chesters Paintballs have started a collection to help Kevin with his bills. If any fellow paintballer out there could find it in there heart to add to the collection please contact us at (321)727-2510 or email generalchester@aol.com, and we will let you know where to send it. Thank you for your great support. See you in the middle. I also have pic's of Kevin and his leg if anyone would like to see them. Just email me at bdolphinsfan38@earthlink.net
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