Posted by: candace "G.W." skinner on January 12, 2004 at 19:30:08
I just wanted to put a quick word in about the NOCER PRODUCTIONS SPACEYBALLS game.This was the most fun game my team (DAMAGE) has played in yet.Although the turnout was small the battles were large and fierce.To those of you who don't know yet the "clueless heroes" under the guidance of Billy from LOW COUNTRY paintball and his xo Joe "GEORGIA" Hamilton layed the smack down on the spaceyballs.We won in a very hard fought battle with intel being the reason for victory,the scores were that close.I just want to thank everyone involed especially Papa Boar who was the head ref.He made everything run very smooth.Oh Yeah,Rich and Moe from the BLACK BERETS helped keep the game play easy as refs.NOCER,thank you Dave and Jason for an excellent game and thanks to FIRST STRIKE for bringing it to their field.If you didn't play,you missed out!!!Also thanks needs to go out to the "ASHOLES",the BLACK HEARTS.You guys made the "DINK,DINKS" (played by my team DAMAGE in case you forgot) play their hardest ever!!You are a great bunch of guys and we hope to play with you again soon.And thanks to "AMERICAN RAMPAGE".Playing along side of you guys was a honor.I know I said a quick word but I lied.
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