Seems it hasn't changed.
In Reply to: It makes NO difference posted by Dale on January 11, 2004 at 01:38:31:
Posted by: Flash123 on January 11, 2004 at 20:38:57
Sounds to me like things haven't changed since we were there 4 years ago. Safety is thrown out the window in the name of profit. Refs STILL don't have chronos? When we were there they only had 2 chronos and no refs to man them after the game started. I called down 2 kids who were shooting thier markers and weren't even wearing thier masks. As far as the numbers go, they never come near the number that they say is out there playing. When we were there they said there was 1,000 players. It was more like 500 since that was what the girl at the registration told me it was. They also have it pre-determind who will win the game before hand. Go to the Viper or Black Cat games and you will have a good time playing a safe and fun game. |
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