Re: Sounds like you shouldn't be eating them.
In Reply to: Sounds like you shouldn't be eating them. posted by Dale on January 06, 2004 at 13:29:18:
Posted by: Beest on January 09, 2004 at 09:44:11
From a quick search the critical toxicity value for polyethylene glycol seems to be 1580 mg/kg/day. Assuming thats KG of body mass, say 80 Kg ( those were the days), thats 126 g a day. I think paintballs weigh 6g, so consuming more than 20 a day is putting you in the zone, depending on how much polethylene glycol is in a paintball. For those on an intensive training pogram liver and kidney lesions ( and weight loss)are a downside. Interestingly the figures for dermal conatact are the same........ I pulled the info from this EPA study http://www.epa.gov/dfe/pubs/flexo/ctsa/draft/app_3.pdf |
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