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Congratulations to Some Outstanding Players!

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Posted by:
on January 07, 2004 at 23:14:32

Mackz Xtreme Sportz wishes to publicly recognize and congratulate the teams and their members sponsored by MXS who, in the 2003 season, demonstrated outstanding sportsmanship, leadership and success.

Sportsmanship - Mike "Whitefeather" Walsh; "Thunder Island" at The Paintball Park in North Fort Myers, FL
Sportsmanship - Barrie "NudiBear" Reid; "T-3: Countdown to Armageddon" (2003 Texas Throwdown); Paintball USA, Houston, TX
Most Valuable Player - Cole Timmerman; "Spear of Destiny" at Sherwood Forest Adventure Games in Laporte, IN
Most Valuable Player (shared) - Lawrence "TB" Wright; "Operation: Rainbow" at Sherwood Forest Adventure Games in Laporte, IN
Most Valuable Team - "Operation: Rainbow" at Sherwood Forest Adventure Games in Laporte, IN

Doom Troopers:
Most Valuable Player - Matthew "GQ" Zeyn; "Thunder Island" at The Paintball Park in North Fort Myers, FL
Most Valuable Team - "Sleepy Hollow IV" at Old River; Oklawaha, FL.
Most Valuable Team - "Stars War" at Wayne's World (2003 Grand Finale); Ocala, FL

Evil, Inc:
Sportsmanship - Brent "Preacher" Johnson; "Road Warriors" at Wild West Paintball in Gilbert, AZ.
Most Valuable Player - Korbett "MoFo" Cockrell; "Alien Attack" at Jungle Island Paintball in Corona, CA.
Most Valuable Player - Korbett "MoFo" Cockrell; "Time Bandits" at The Paintball Zone in Waterford, CA.
Most Valuable Player - Korbett "MoFo" Cockrell; "Tomorrow Never Dies" at Breakout Paintball in Monterey, CA.
Most Valuable Team - "Tomorrow Never Dies" at Breakout Paintball, Monterey, CA.
Most Formidable Opponent - Marty "Cable" Jeffers; "Road Warriors" at Wild West Paintball in Gilbert, AZ.

Mag Dawgs:
Sportsmanship - David "Professor" Smith; "Kelly's Caper" at Wild West Paintball, Purcell, OK

Manic Depression:
Competed: Rookie 3 and 5-man; Animal Paintball APX Series, culminating in Bunkerfest, the largest tournament ever held in Texas. Competed: Open Division; 1st Annual American Cancer Society benefit tournament at Tank's World of Paintball. Result: 3rd Place.
Refereed: 24-hour scenario games within Texas and Oklahoma, including The Texas Throwdown. Results: 3 Most Valuable Judge awards from their peers.
Refereed: American Cancer Society benefit by the Paintball Association In Northeast Texas, Mt. Pleasant.

Mayberry Marauders:
Sportsmanship - Mike "Wally" Dean; "Fandango" at Paintball USA, Houston, TX
Sportsmanship - Allen "Indy" Martin; "Illuminati" (Twilight Zone VII); Hurricane Paintball, Fairfield, TX
Most Valuable Player (shared) - Kerry "Warhawk" Griffin; "Operation: Rainbow" at Sherwood Forest Adventure Games in Laporte, IN
Most Valuable Team - "T-3: Countdown to Armageddon" (Texas Throwdown 2003); Paintball USA, Houston, TX

Team Ranger:
Sportsmanship - Duckmann "Ranger 1" Parks; "T-3: Countdown to Armageddon" (2003 Texas Throwdown); Paintball USA, Houston, TX
Sportsmanship - Darren "Ranger 14" Van Pamael; "The Unknown" at Fox River Paintball in Chicago
Most Valuable Team - "The Unknown" at Fox River Paintball in Chicago, IL
Most Valuable Team - "Operation Rainbow" at Sherwood Forest Adventure Games in Laporte, IN.

The Dog Men:
Most Valuable Team - "Kelly's Caper" at Wild West Paintball, Purcell, OK

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