Say farewell in Fort Myers on Jan. 17-18
Posted by: MXS on December 30, 2003 at 13:24:42
The annual MXS event of the new year kicks off in just a couple of weeks at The Paintball Park in Fort Myers! The pre-registration deadline for "Enter the Labyrinth" must be postmarked by today in order to get the entry fee discount. Come launch "The X Dimension" nationwide scenario series with us :) As well, come swap stories and memories and become part of a state paintball legacy as we say hello to the new year and good-bye to an old friend. Yes, this fourth annual MXS event will be the last at this location! The Paintball Park will be moving to a huge, new tract of property in 2004! For more information, you can call The Paintball Park at 239-489-3866 or visit their website to get registered now at www.thepaintballpark.com
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