Try Yogurt....
In Reply to: ahhhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahaha I did it posted by Embers_of_WR@TH_(Team_Tox) on December 24, 2003 at 00:55:00:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on December 25, 2003 at 13:25:45
Seriously. Cheap, non toxic, sticky, marks well, Good SPLATTTT effect. Readily available in 5 gal containers from your local restaurant supply or dairy. I am planning on experimenting with Tennis Balls for a Mortar. Their weight would require a relative LOW muzzle velocity and high trajectory anyway. I would be using them with Hunter's Orange Plumber chaulk for marking purposes. The Ball shape lends itself to fast reloading out of a tube gravity feeder. Send me an e mail and I can send you info about how I made my RPG. It is a backpack set up weighing 9 pounds WITH a full Air Tank. A hose goes to the Grip and 30" barrel which weighs a mere 3 pounds more. In the process of testing a NEW valve that SHOULD allow a considerably SHORTER BARREL. Should have some results in about 10 days. Have to go out of town for a week. I use the FREE Disposable, 2 pound Kiddie fire extinguisher bodies for Air Reseviours. They weigh NOTHING compared to PVC. I can help you with cheap regulators, etc. Parts and resources. www.ddupont@charter.net |
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